Festive Skin Care Tips

These festive skin care tips for the party season will help you keep your skin looking its best, whilst you get on with enjoying all the fun! Festive parties are fun, but late nights, eating yummy foods and maybe a glass or three of fizz, can play havoc with our skin.
These 7 festive skin care tips are my secrets to enjoying the party season, whilst still looking after my skin.
I’ve always said that your skin is a reflection of everything that is going on internally – but there are ways to combat the typical signs of too much partying – such as puffy skin, dark circles under your eyes, and even breakouts. Read on to find out more.
Festive skin care tip number 1

At the top of my festive skin care tips list is SLEEP! I know, you’re going to be out having late nights, I get it. But please try and make time for some decent sleep (7-9 hours), as this is when your skin has a chance to repair and rejuvenate.
Whilst you sleep, your skin will remove toxins and fluids from your skin, and produce fresh collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid – all of those things are important for youthful, bright, and glowing skin.
If you don’t get enough sleep, your skin will look puffy, dull and you’ll most likely have dark circles under your eyes (more on those later!).
If you can’t manage 7-9 hours a night, try and find time for some power naps in your day, so you can catch up and give your body a chance to rest and recover.
Festive skin care tip number 2

The second of my festive skin care tips is to ALWAYS take your makeup off. No matter how tired (or tipsy) you might be.
I know this can feel like a massive pain at the end of a night, but you really don’t want to sleep in all that makeup and build-up of bacteria, dead skin cells, and grime from your day.
And PLEASE resist the urge to use face wipes (*shudder*). They are not good for your skin and will not fully remove your makeup. Use a gentle cleanser, and if you have worn heavy party makeup, do a double cleanse to make sure it’s all been removed.
Slap on your hyaluronic acid serum before bed too, to give your skin an extra boost of moisture.
Tip number 3

The third of my festive skin care tips is to choose mineral makeup. It’s much kinder to your skin and will reduce the risk of breakouts, and sensitivity and it’s also less of a disaster if you DO end up sleeping in it (see tip 2!).
My favorite mineral makeup is Jane Iredale. I love their Pro BB Glow full coverage cream foundation. It’s super hydrating, the covering is excellent and it never rubs off. I can put it on at the start of the night, and it’s still well and truly in place at the end of the night.
Whilst we are on the subject of makeup, consider investing in a concealer with light reflecting particles, as this will help with those tired looking eyes – if you’re bouncing from one party to another. Jane Iredale have a lovely product, but you’ve also got the classic YSL Touche Eclat – a word of warning on the latter – if you apply too much of it, you’ll look like you’ve got white panda eyes in photographs when the flash goes off – it’s super light reflecting!
Festive skin care tip number 4

In at number 4 for my festive skin care tips is nutrition. Help your skin look it’s best, by supporting it from the inside out.
Protein is essential for healthy collagen production – as is vitamin C. So, make the most of that turkey that’s on offer, and if you prefer not to each meat – make sure you’re eating lots of plant based proteins. This is a great time of year to boost your vitamin C levels. Squashes such as pumpkins and butternut are packed full of beta carotene and vitamin C, both of which are amazing at boosting your collagen levels.
I’d recommend taking a good quality vitamin C supplement with zinc, as zinc is incredible at reducing inflammation and supporting healthy skin function. My favourite is Advanced Nutrition Programme Skin Vit C supplement – I take 2 a day during the winter months. I’d also recommend taking a microbiome gut health supplement, as this will boost your immune system, and help reduce inflammation. Skin Youth Biome/Skin Clear Biome by ANP are excellent or have a look at Optibac.
Tip number 5 - and relaaaaaax

OK, so you’ve been partying extra hard and those telltale signs are starting to show. You’ve got puffy, dull skin, dark circles under your eyes, and you look like you feel…..exhausted!
So the 5th of my skin care tips for the festive season is to take some time out to relax and pamper your skin. Hyaluronic acid is your best friend – it holds 1000 times its own weight in water. Treat yourself to gentle exfoliation, hydrating mask, and lots of hyaluronic serum.
If you have them, the ice globes that you can roll across your face and eyes would be a great idea – as they help with puffiness and dark circles. Fraicheur Globes are the ‘famous’ ones, but you can also pick some cheaper ones up on Amazon too.
If you’re looking for a perfect exfoliator and hydrating mask, then I highly recommend AlumierMD’s Smooth & Hydrate limited edition kit. If you want to know more about that, then please let me know!
Festive skin care tips - in at number 6!

I was never going to write a blog about skin care tips without including my all time favourite – SUNSCREEN!
But there is a reason to specifically mention it in this blog. When you’re busy partying, you’re putting your skin under a lot of extra pressure, which means it is more vulnerable to damage from UV rays.
If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll know I talk a lot about the damage that UVA (A is for ageing) causes. They are responsible for up to 80-90% of premature ageing. We’re exposed to UVA rays all year round, come rain or shine. So, wearing your sunscreen will prevent your skin from damage that UVA rays cause. This isn’t just a festive season skin care tip, it’s an all year round one!
I recommend using a natural sunscreen, as they are kinder to your skin. Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are natural sunscreens, and if you’d like some help with this – please let me know.
And the final one....

Now, I don’t want to teach you to ‘suck eggs’, but the last of my skin care tips for the festive season is to drink plenty of water. I know you know the drill, but please try and drink 8 glasses of water a day, and if you’re drinking – try and squeeze one in before bed.
When you wake up, make sure you have a large glass of water, and keep hydrated throughout the day.
Drinking water will help to flush out the toxins if you’ve been overindulging. It will help to reduce puffiness in your skin and ensure it stays well hydrated. It sounds like such a simple thing, but the difference that drinking lots of water makes is immense.
I always make sure there’s a glass of water by my bedside before I go out so that there’s no excuse for not drinking it when I hop into bed.
Do you feel party season ready??

I really hope you’ve found my blog on festive skin care tips helpful.
If you’d like to find out how I can help you, then you can book a complimentary Zoom consultation. Just click on the link below to book your appointment. You can also download my Ultimate Skin & Scar Guides too.
I offer both remote skin care services, and in-clinic treatments. So, don’t worry if you’re not local to me – we can still get you started on a skin transformation journey.
I’d love to welcome you to my aesthetics clinic in Alton, Hampshire. I am right on the Hampshire / Surrey border and just 15 minutes from both Basingstoke and Farnham. I am also at the end of a direct line from London Waterloo, and a 5 minute walk from the station.
I look forward to chatting with you soon. Kindest wishes, Nikki x