skin rejuvenation treatment

Skin Rejuvenation Treatment

Picture of Nikki Butler

Nikki Butler

Discover your best Skin Rejuvenation Treatment

Are you looking for a skin rejuvenation treatment that really works? Then you’re in the right place!

In my opinion, the best skin rejuvenation treatment is one that gets your skin to work for you, by naturally boosting your collagen levels, and getting your skin to tighten and lift. 

In this blog, we will look at radiofrequency microneedling, HIFU and IPL facials. Together, these target most common skin concerns. It’s also worth mentioning that both RF microneedling and HIFU can be used on the body too. 

Read on to find out more. 

The Power of HIFU

If you look in the mirror and the first thing you notice is saggy jowls or turkey neck, then this treatment is for you! As far as skin rejuvenation treatment choices go, this ones is all about tightening and lifting. 

Radiofrequency microneedling (we’ll come on to that next) can also be beneficial – but if you’re standing in the mirror and pulling your skin upwards to look like you’ve had a face lift (I know, I’ve done it!), then this is the best place to start.

HIFU stands for High Intensity Ultra Sound, and it works by targeting your skin at specific depths, with heat of around 65 degrees. You skins natural response to this in to lift and tighten. HIFU can target the same layers of skin that plastic surgeons do, for a face lift – which is why it’s called a ‘non surgical face lift’ treatment. 

You can find out more about HIFU, by clicking on the button below. 

Radiofrequency Microneedling

radiofrequency microneedling treatment

If you’re looking in the mirror and focusing on lines & wrinkles, minor sagging skin and those pesky signs of ageing – such as uneven skin tone, then radiofrequency microneedling is your skin rejuvenation treatment of choice. 

This is my favourite skin rejuvenation treatment, if I’m honest. I think that it targets many of the signs of ageing, including lines & wrinkles, skin tightening & lifting, improved skin tone & skin texture and gives the skin an amazing glow.  This is the treatment that Judy Murray had, when she wowed everyone with her skin transformation back in January 2021. 

Radiofrequency microneedling is the skin rejuvenation of choice, if you’re looking for multiple skin benefits. It works beautifully with HIFU though – which I will talk about below.  Find out more about RF microneedling by clicking on the button below. 

Combining RF Microneedling and HIFU

before and after HIFU and radiofrequency microneedling

For the ultimate skin rejuvenation treatment result, you can’t beat combining HIFU and radiofrequency microneedling (in my opinion). 

By combining these powerful treatments, I can target and treat your skin at multiple depths. The benefit of this for you, is that you will have tighter, firm skin. Saggy jowls and turkey necks will be greatly improved, lines and wrinkles will be reduced, your skin will be healthier, glowing and brighter. And you will feel amazing! 

Depending on your primary concern, will depend on whether we choose RF microneedling, HIFU or a combination of both. You can book a consultation with me, to discover the best options for you. Just click on BOOK MY CONSULTATION below. 

But what if I have sun damage, I hear you cry? Don’t worry – we will come onto that next!

Skin Rejuvenation Treatment - uneven skin tone

before and after IPL skin rejuvenation treatment

Are you looking for a skin rejuvenation treatment for sun damage or thread veins? Then IPL is for you. 

IPL is perfect for uneven skin tone, sun damage, thread veins and other ageing skin concerns, that result in uneven skin tone. 

I highly recommend the illumiFacial, which is unique to Lynton approved clinics. Consider this an airbrush treatment, targeting pigmentation and vascular concerns, whilst also boosting collagen levels too. 

Find out more about the ilumiFacial IPL facial, by clicking on the button below. 

Skin Rejuvenation Treatment + Alumier Skincare

Alumier Skin Care

To maximise the results from your skin rejuvenation treatment, I recommend using a medical grade skincare range.

Think of your skincare as the icing on the cake, to your skin rejuvenation treatment program.  If you’re investing in these incredible treatments, then I think it makes sense to prolong and maximise your results. Medical grade skincare can truly transform your skin. With high quality, active ingredients, these products can address common skin concerns, boost healthy collagen within your skin, and protect and strengthen it. This ensures you get the best possible results from your skin, for the long term too.

I am also passionate about treating your skin from the inside out too, as your skin is the largest organ of your body. So, I bring my experience as a nutritional therapist into your skin transformation program – so you get even better results.  This article on stress related skin conditions might be of interest to you. CLICK HERE to learn more. 

It's all about YOU!

lady having HIFU face lift

There is no one skin rejuvenation treatment that is best for everyone. You skin is unique to you. This is why I recommend booking a consultation with me, so we can discuss your skin concerns and goals. 

At your consultation, we will talk about your areas of concern and your goals. I’ll then recommend a treatment program that’s bespoke to you. 

I know you’ll love the results from the skin rejuvenation treatment programs I offer. I’d love to welcome you to my clinic in Alton, Hampshire. I am right on the Hampshire / Surrey border and just 15 minutes from both Basingstoke and Farnham. I am also at the end of a direct line from London Waterloo, and a 5 minute walk from the station. 

Ready to start your skin transformation journey with me? Click on the link below, and let’s take the first step together. Kindest wishes, Nikki 


On Key

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