woman with sunglasses on

How to look younger at 40

Picture of Nikki Butler

Nikki Butler

40 year old woman smiling

I am asked ‘How to look younger at 40’ a LOT, let me tell you! Not just at 40 either, at 50, 60 and 70! Whilst we can’t completely turn back the hands of time, or stop to aging process, there are some things that you can do to help you achieve more youthful skin, from the outside in, and inside out. 

It’s all about simple, sustainable lifestyle changes, coupled with amazing advanced clinical treatments, that can help to reduce lines & wrinkles, tighten your skin, remove pigmentation and generally make your skin look younger and glowing.  How does that sound? Are you in?! Then read on.

rf microneedling treatment and supplements

How to look younger

Isn’t this the magic question? How to look younger at 40 and beyond takes a combined approach. There isn’t a one size fits all, or a magic one off treatment sadly! BUT, there are some amazing advanced treatments that can help you to look younger, and coupled with some simple and sustainable lifestyle changes – you can expect to have gorgeous skin as the years roll by. 

How to look younger at 40 is certainly something that interests me, being smack bang in the middle of my 40’s.  Mother nature has become a little less kind, and the adventures, trials & tribulations of our earlier years start to show up.  Combining treatment like RF Microneedling with supplements, products and lifestyle hacks are my personal favourite, but there are other fantastic clinical treatments that can help with your specific skin concerns.  Your skin, Your way! 

rf microneedling

Lets talk RF Microneedling!

‘How to look younger at 40’ really starts with how to boost those natural collagen levels, and trick your skin into thinking it’s younger again! 

As you mature your natural collagen levels decline in your skin, actually from your mid-late 20’s. This is why you’ll typically see those pesky signs of aging creeping in by your early to mid 30’s.  RF Microneedling is collagen induction therapy, at it’s finest.  The microneedles cause tiny punctures within your skin, which causes your skin to enter ‘healing’ mode. As part of this, your skin produces fresh collagen and elastin. In addition to the needles, the radiofrequency element causes thermal heat trauma in the skin, causing it to contract and tighten in response (plus it stimulates MORE collagen).  The result? Younger, plumper, lifted and more youthful looking skin. 

And the real win is that your skin continues to increase it’s collagen levels for up to 12 weeks after your course of treatment ends. Amazing, right?

woman smiling

How to look younger at 40 with clinical treatments

It’s not just all about RF Microneedling, there are some other amazing treatments that can help you with your skin concerns. 

If you have sun damage or pigmentation, then IPL laser may be a great choice for you.  Or perhaps you have adult acne? In which case IPL, skin peels and supplements may be your most powerful combination. 

These are just a couple of examples, and there are many other skin concerns I can help you with. you can either book a consultation with me, or click ‘FIND OUT MORE’ to discover treatments for specific concerns.  The aesthetics systems are use in my clinic are Lynton Aesthetics, medical CE grade, so you can be assured you’re receiving safe, effective treatments that will give you results you’ll love. 

I’d love to be able to help you feel happy and confident in your own skin, both now and for the long term. 


How to look younger at 40 from the inside out!

It’s not just about what you’re doing on the surface of your skin, you need to look after your skin from the inside out too. 

As a qualified nutritional therapist, I am passionate about helping you to achieve better skin for life. This will only come with looking after your skin from the outside in AND the inside out.   I’ve written other blog posts on the benefits of nutrition and supplements, together with other lifestyle factors, such as stress and sleep. These things really are the key to better skin for life, so I’ll help you to understand how to maximise your results, in the short and long term. 

supplements, sunscreen and makeup

Keep it simple, to make it sustainable!

Have you ever started a skincare routine and wondered how on earth you’re going to keep it up?? Maybe it was too complicated, or even too expensive? I hear this all the time. 

It’s really important that your skincare program includes elements that are specific to your needs, and that are sustainable for the long term. This is why the brands that I use in my clinic are built around simplicity, sustainability and of course, a little bit of luxury! They are results driven and have years of research and science behind them, so you can be confident that you’re investing your money wisely. 

And don’t worry, these products don’t require a second mortgage, and you don’t need a reinforced bathroom cabinet to accommodate them all, remember – simple and sustainable! 

a group of women smiling

Here's a little check list of how to look younger at 40

Are you ready to take the next steps to achieve better skin for life?

I hope that you have found my blog on ‘How to look younger at 40’ helpful.  You can of course apply this advice to your 50’s, 60’s and beyond too.

There isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ approach to how I treat you. Your skin is the largest organ in your body and is entirely unique to you, so it’s important that we make sure your treatment program is designed to give you the best possible results. Book your consultation if you’d like to find out how I can help you. 

I look forward to welcoming you to my my clinic in Alton,  Hampshire. I am right on the Hampshire / Surrey border and at the end of a direct train line from London Waterloo.  Please book a consultation and discover how I can help you. Kindest, Nikki 


On Key

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