Microneedling Aftercare
Microneedling Aftercare is very straightforward and the downtime is minimal. It will depend whether you are having microneedling mesotherapy or microneedling collagen induction therapy, as to which aftercare you will need to follow.
Microneedling Mesotherapy is a low level needling treatment which is used for collagen induction on the face, neck and chest, most commonly. It can also be used to treat fine silvery stretch marks on the body too. Microneedling mesotherapy has a dual action. It pushes medical grade serums into the deeper layers of the skin, where they are most effective. It also stimulates fresh collagen and elastin production within your skin, helping your skin to achieve a ‘plumper’ and more glowing appearance. The downtime for these treatments is up to 72 hours, although most clients find that their skin returns to ‘normal’ within 24-48 hours.
Microneedling collagen induction therapy (also called MCA, dry needling and dry tattooing) involves stimulating the skin at a deeper level. This treatment is suited to scars, burns and deeper stretch marks. Microneedling collagen induction therapy stimulates fresh collagen and elastin too, but it also triggers your cells that are responsible for producing melanin – which is what gives your skin it’s natural tone. This treatment also helps to break down the old scar tissue, helping sunken scars to fill our and raised scars to flatten. In addition, it can help the skin return to your normal skin tone, which is why it’s such an effective treatment for white scar tissue. The downtime from this treatment is minimal, although you do need to treat this as a wound for 7 -10 days.
It’s worth mentioning at this point, that microneedling collagen induction therapy isn’t suitable for all skin and scar types. If you would like to improve the look and feel of your scars, then please book a consultation and we can discuss suitable options for you. You can also click below to learn more about scar treatment options.

Microneedling Aftercare for Mesotherapy
This is pretty straightforward! Microneedling aftercare for these treatments is a maxiumum of 48 hours. I offer two different levels of mesotherapy facials: Plump & Glow Facial and Advanced Plump & Glow Facial.
Plump & Glow Facial is perfect for fine lines and wrinkles, mild acne scarring and overall skin rejuvenation. You’ll leave your treatment with glowing skin that may have a little glow to it.
My Advanced Plump & Glow Facial is designed to treat deeper lines and wrinkles, acne scarring and smokers lines. You’ll leave this treatment looking like you have mild sunburn.
Here’s your microneedling aftercare for these treatments:
- Avoid exercise and sweating for 24 hours after your treatment.
- Do not apply any other products to your skin for 24 hours.
- Avoid makeup for 24 hours.
- Avoid swimming, saunas and spa environments for 24 hours.
- No chemical peels or skin treatments for 2 weeks.
- Avoid strong retinol or glycolic acid products for 5-7 days.
Microneedling Aftercare - Collagen Induction Therapy
Collagen induction therapy is a more advanced treatment, that treats scar tissue (and stretch marks) at a deeper level. The microneedling aftercare for these treatments is slightly different and follows basic wound management procedure. You will need to:
- Avoid sun exposure for 14 days. Use sunscreen minimum spf30 for 28 days after treatment if the area treated is exposed to the sun. Failure to do this can damage your skin and result in hyperpigmentation.
- Avoid soaking in the bath for 10-14 days, whilst the areas is healing.
- Avoid swimming pools, sauna’s, jacuzzi and spa environments for 14 days.
- Do not apply any products to your skin for 14 days, other than the aftercare balm provided.
- Wear loose fitting clothing to your appointment and for 72 hours after your treatment. Leave the area uncovered to let air circulate.
- Do not apply any essential oils, perfumed products or shower creams to the area. I recommend the use of Sanex Zero, or a gentle cleansing shower gel.
- Change your bed sheets and towels the day of your treatment.
- Keep the area clean and remember it’s a wound site during your healing.
- Do not pick, scratch or rub the treatment area. Avoid touching it unnecessarily.
As you can see – this is more about basic wound management than anything else. Remember your skin is going through a 28 day healing process and you will need to look after it during this time. The area is likely to remain red for 7-10 days after your treatment. If this is somewhere visible, such as your face, you may apply mineral makeup after 48 hours – but please do not use any other types of makeup, as this can lead to irritation and potentially an infection.
I always say to just think about what you would do if you had a minor skin wound – it’s basically that!

Microneedling Aftercare
So, we’ve covered microneedling aftercare – which I hope has been helpful to you.
Each microneedling treatment has it’s own advantages, from antiaging skin rejuvenation, to treating scars and stretchmarks. There are other treatments that you might like to consider, as I offer the latest in advanced skin rejuvenation.
I use the Lynton 3 Juve system for skin rejuvenation and scar treatments (amongst many other skin concerns!). This is a specialist medical grade skincare laser system that is designed to target almost all common skin concerns. If you’d like to read more about it, you can click HERE.
It is a highly effective and safe system, with Lynton being the most respected laser provider in the industry, supplying into the NHS and private clinics. It’s the reason I chose them for my clinic, combining exceptional results and safety. If you’d like to know more, then please book a consultation and we can discuss the different treatments options that can help you.
How many microneedling treatments will I need?
If you’re having microneedling mesotherapy, then a course of treatments is typically 6 treatments spaced 2-4 weeks apart. Maintenance treatments are recommended every 6-8 weeks.
If you are having microneedling collagen induction therapy for scars and stretchmarks, then a ‘typical’ course of treatments is 3-5 sessions 5-6 weeks apart. Some clients will require more treatments, depending on the scar tissue that is being treated and your response to treatment. Ultimately, you can continue with treatment for scarring until you are either happy with the results, or your skin stops responding to treatment.

Are you ready to take the next steps?
I hope that you’ve found my blog on microneedling aftercare helpful. If you’d like to know how I can help you to achieve fresher, more youthful skin, or to improve the look and feel of scar tissue, then please get in touch or book a free consultation. I look forward to hearing from you. Nikki