best rosacea treatment

Best Rosacea Treatment

Picture of Nikki Butler

Nikki Butler

Discover the best rosacea treatments, products & advice (in my opinion)

I am often asked what the best rosacea treatment is and the truth is, there isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ answer. Rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition that can be triggered by a number of different factors, from health to lifestyle and products to stress – and many things between! In this blog we will look at products and treatments that can help you, but also some invaluable advice on how you can manage your symptoms through lifestyle, nutrition and stress management.    

If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll see that I am always referring to an ‘outside in and inside out’ approach. That’s because that’s the way to truly get the best from your skin.  Yes, products and treatments can make a really amazing difference, but you’ll get far better results by looking after your skin from the inside out too. That is even more so when you have an inflammatory skin condition, as we need to address what’s going on far beyond your products and treatments. 

Here’s something you might be surprised about – your stress hormone, cortisol can wreak absolute havoc with your skin if it’s out of balance! It can cause breakouts, sensitivity and a generally sallow and dull looking complexion.  There’s more information about that in my blog post HERE. 

Food intolerances can also play a huge part in flare ups with rosacea.  This is where I have my nutritional therapist hat on – and almost without exception, my clients with rosacea can always identify food groups that trigger flare ups!

The most common food intolerances that trigger rosacea are alcohol, spicy foods, citric foods and caffeine –  Although any food intolerance will show up on your skin, as it causes imbalances and inflammation.  As your skin is the largest organ in your body, it reacts and responds to everything that is put into your body, the good and the bad. Fortunately, there are some simple changes that you can make to help manage your symptoms and get your rosacea under control. 

stress related skin conditions
Best Rosacea Treatments - Lets talk products.

 First things first, your skincare does not need to be complicated, expensive or fancy. With the crazy number of brands and products on the market today, it near on impossible to figure out what products you actually NEED.  Throw in some fancy marketing speak, and you end up wondering how you got by for decades without THAT product!!  I’ve been there, I now ignore the marketing hype and stick to what I know works for my skin, and that is ‘less is more’. 

With rosacea, you need to be extra careful with the products you are using on your skin. Using  products that are designed for sensitive skin are essential and your ‘go to’ product must be an a factor 30+ sunscreen. It’s non negotiable I’m afraid! 

Your skincare routine needs to do two things:

  1. Repair and restore your skins natural barrier function, so that it can do it’s job of keeping the good stuff in and the bad stuff out. Using harsh products, or too many products can weaken your skins natural barrier function and cause you to have increased redness, sensitivity and broken capillaries. 
  2. Your skincare products also need to support your skin type and skin conditions. Your skin type is what you’re born with/hereditary, such as dry or oily skin. Your skin conditions are as a result of lifestyle factors, health, hormones and stress! Skin conditions can result in premature aging and cover most of our common skin concerns today. So good news, most of those can be treated – but not before we repair and restore your skins natural barrier function.

I’d recommend booking a consultation (they are free) so that I can assess your skin and make recommendations that are specific to you. Your skin is entirely unique to you and there are often other factors that impact rosacea, so a consultation allows us to discuss all areas that may be affecting your skin. 

The Katherine Daniels Skincare is my favourite range for treating rosacea though, as it really helps to restore your skin health and help you improve your skin for the longterm. 

glowing skin products
Katherine Daniels Skincare

It’s as easy as ‘1 – 2 – 3’. I mean, it literally is!  There are just 3 steps to the Essentials range for Katherine Daniels. There’s a gorgeous Step 4 if you fancy a face mask or eye mask as a treat, but you can stick to the 3 steps and have beautiful skin. 

The beauty of this natural skincare range is that it is focused on repairing your skins natural barrier function, ensuring you have gorgeous, healthy and strong skin. This is a simple, sustainable and results driven range, with that little touch of luxury we all need and deserve! 

Rejuvenated Supplements

OK, if you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll have seen me rave about this range of natural supplements a LOT!  I started my love affair with Rejuvenated as a consumer many years ago. I was blown away with the results of their Collagen Shots that I decided to become a stockist of their lovely Collagen Shots. 

The Skin Perfecting Complex is fabulous for rosacea as it helps to reduce inflammation in the skin, whilst stimulating your natural collagen levels – which are essential for healing and strengthening your skin. 

glowing skin products
best rosacea treatment
Chemical Skin Peels

Now you might be surprised to hear me say that a chemical skin peel is one of the best rosacea treatment options! It’s a myth that all chemical skin peels are harsh and damaging – or indeed ‘chemicals’ at all! 

Chemical peels can actually be very soothing and have an ant inflammatory effect on the skin, whilst helping to strengthen and repair your skins natural barrier function.  As with all treatments I offer, there isn’t a ‘one size fits all’, so it’s about finding the right peel for you.  If you’d like to learn more about Chemical Skin Peels, you can click below. 

Best Rosacea Treatment - it's an inside job too!
glowing skin products

We can’t ignore the importance of nutrition when we are looking at the best rosacea treatment approach. Healthy skin is achieved by looking after your skin from the inside out, as well as the outside.

 In my Cheat Sheet, you’ll see some advice on foods you can eat to boost your skin quality. Ignore the fact that the Cheat Sheet is for acne prone skin, the advice is still applicable for ultimate skin health and identifying factors that may be affecting your skin.  When it comes to managing your rosacea, you may find that the biggest benefit is felt by addressing your diet and nutrition.  Spicy foods, alcohol and sugar can be really trigger points for your symptoms, but any food intolerance will eventually show on your skin – so it’s worth paying some attention to see if you can highlight trigger foods for you. 

I’d also recommend taking a pre and probiotic supplement. 70% of your immune system is in your tummy, so carefully balancing the bacteria in your gut will boost your immune system, as well as improve your skin. 

If we are working together to treat your skin, we will look at whether food is playing a part in your skin conditions. I can help you with simple, sustainable changes that will help to manage your symptoms both now, and in the long term. 

So without further ado, here’s the Cheat Sheet, with some top tips on how to look after your skin at home. Just click on the link below. 

How to clear acne prone skin

If you’d like to find out more about treatments that could help you,  then please get it touch (or keep scrolling down!).

how to clear acne
Best Rosacea Treatment - Meet Lynton 3Juve IPL

Rosacea has previously proven challenging to treat, due to the sensitive nature of this skin condition, and it’s inflammatory reaction to treatment. 

The Lynton 3Juve IPL is a breath of fresh air when it comes to treating rosacea. IPL (intense pulsed light) helps to reduce the redness in your skin, breaking down the broken surface capillaries, it boosts skin health and strengthens your skins barrier function, it stimulates fresh, healthy collagen, it reduces inflammation and kills bacteria. 

It really supports your skin on multiple levels. Lynton’s multi-award winning IPL technology gives fantastic results, whilst being the safest and most advanced technology of it’s kind. There’s a reason that Lynton are a supplier and trainer of our NHS! To find out more about this treatment, either book a consultation or click on the button below. 

Are you ready to take the next steps?

I hope that you have found my blog helpful.  If you’d like to have a chat about how I can help you, then please get in touch. I offer a free consultation. We can then discuss the best course of action for you. 

I look forward to helping you transform your skin! Nikki 


On Key

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