Laser Scar Removal
Laser scar removal can be very effective at treatment your scarring. Whilst this isn’t a full removal treatment (unfortunately, so such treatment exists), it can help to significantly improve the look and feel of your scarring.
I know first hand how it feels to live with significant visible scarring – I also know the freedom and confidence I felt when my own scarring was improved!
The type of laser treatment that would be suitable for you will be dependent on the types of scarring you have.
Ihave a Lynton 3Juve laser, which has three different types of laser (IPL, fractional and radio frequency), which allows me to adapt your treatment, to ensure I am able to treat the different types of scarring you may have.
I’d recommend booking a consultation, so that I can assess your skin and we can discuss a suitable course of treatment for you. There isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ program to follow, so I will need to assess your skin and discuss your desired outcomes too.
You will need to have a patch test, before we can start you on course of treatment. So please book a consultation and we begin your journey to achieving your skin goals.
How does Laser Scar Removal Work?
I use the Lynton 3 Juve machine for laser scar removal. As I mentioned, it’s a specialist skincare laser system, that allows me to create a bespoke program for you, to ensure your skin concers are targeted effectively. If you’d like to read more about the Lynton 3Juve system, you can click HERE. It is a highly effective and safe system, with Lynton being the most respected laser providers in the industry, supplying into the NHS and private clinics.
An IPL laser is the perfect treatment for you if you have hyperpigmented scar. Those are scar that have areas that are darker than your natural skin tone, or are red/purple in colour. With an IPL laser, precisely controlled short pulses of light are released that target the area, which break down the areas of pigmentation, causing those cells to exit your skin as part of the natural healing process. This leads to a more youthful, even complexion. In addition, this light results in the stimulation of the fibroblast cells, leading to increased production of new collagen and elastin (the good stuff that makes your skin plump and glowing!). The texture of your skin improves, evening out lumps and bumps whilst reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
The IPL laser pulses through the skin’s surface and targets the underlying tissue in the target area. The laser causes the pigment to break down into smaller particles, before rising up to the surface of the skin, where it will flake away as part of the body’s natural healing process.
If your scars are white or silver in nature, then the Resurface hand piece is perfect for you. This treatment can be used on the face and body and is also very effective with treating stretchmark’s. The fractional laser is effective at resurfacing your skin and improving pitted scarring. Minute sections of the skin are targeted with laser light, which penetrates into the tissue, causing small columns of thermal damage which in turn stimulates significant collagen renewal. The surrounding non-affected areas of skin aid the body’s natural recovery
process, allowing dramatic results without
significant downtime.
The type of scarring you have, together with your desired outcome, will determine which laser is required, for your optimum results. In some cases, treatment with both lasers will be necessary. We will address the hyperpigmentation first with the IPL laser, before moving onto the fractional laser scarring – this is common for pitted acne scarring.
Please book a consultation so that I can assess you skin and we can discuss the best course of treatment for you. You will need to have a patch test, and your consultation is also a great opportunity for you to ask me any questions you may have.
Are results permanent?
Results from laser scar removal treatment are permanent, although you will need to have a course of treatment. The number of treatments you will need will depend on the area to be treated and your skin type. Everyone’s skin is different, so I can’t be exact on the number of treatments you’ll need.
Whilst the laser treatment does provide permanent results in the area you’ve had treated, it won’t prevent further damage from occurring. So in the case of stretch marks or acne scarring, laser treatment won’t prevent further damage from more stretch marks developing, or acne outbreaks.
Is it painful?
I get asked whether laser acne scar removal treatment is painful a lot! It’s hard to answer, because we all have different versions of what is painful. I would say that there is some mild discomfort, but not pain – and I say that as a total whimp!
What happens after my acne scar laser treatment?
With IPL, the area we have treated will look red afterwards, but this tends to go within a few hours.
With fractional laers, the area will be red the first 2-3 days, with the appearance of mild to moderate sunburn. As your skin is healing, you may find you have a bronzed glow for 3-10 days. You may experience some minor flaking in the area, as it heals.
How many sessions will I need and how much will it cost?
The number of sessions varies, but typically you’ll need 3 -4 sessions spaced approximately 4 weeks apart. The cost of each treatment will depend on the size of the area to be treated. Prices start at £75.00 for a single small area.
You’ll need to book a consultation, as a patch test is required.