proud mary soaps

Proud Mary Soaps

Picture of Nikki Butler

Nikki Butler

Proud Mary Soaps

SPOTLIGHT ON PROUD MARY SOAPS as part of my October Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Now, you might well be asking yourself (or perhaps me!), why soaps are featuring in my breast cancer awareness series? Well – I get asked a LOT about products that are organic and kind to your skin, particularly by the lovely ladies that attend my Look Good Feel Better workshops.

A little about Proud Mary Soaps….

I discovered Proud Mary Soaps at a craft market in Winchester. Winchester is one of my favourite local places to go to, so if you haven’t been – you must!  There were lots of lovely things at the craft market, but these guys really stood out for me.

Not only are the products simply gorgeous to look at (and smell!), I loved the ethos behind the company and they are clearly very passionate about their products and eco friendly goals.

They are also based in Alton Hampshire (so just down the road from me (how did I not know about them before!?). They  produce gorgeous organic, eco-friendly soaps, potions and lotions. They strongly believe in sourcing their materials from the most local and sustainable sources possible and strive to produce zero plastic in their procurement and manufacturing process. The last part was a real take away for me, how incredible is this.

Whilst chatting with them yesterday, I discovered that they are also developing plastic alternative products for storing shampoos and other items that would otherwise add to the plastic problem. I absolutely loved their story and their products.  My mum has what can only be described as a bit of an obsession with lavender……I’m not joking. If you’ve got any ailment or injury, chances are she’ll tell you to ‘pop some lavender on that’!  So I’ve treated her to the Lavender Collection. 

Proud Mary Soaps Lavendar Collection
Proud Mary Soaps Lavendar Collection

Sounds AMAZING right?

Are you ready to transform your bathroom for the 21st century. Proud Mary Soaps prides itself in giving you sustainable, eco friendly, zero plastic and zero waste bathroom products. Incredible!

You can visit their website if you click on the blue links throughout this article – but to make it super easy, click HERE.

They also have some gorgeous gift sets and monthly subscription plans, so make sure you have a look at those.

Happy shopping! Nikki




On Key

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