Skin Cancer Awareness
Skin cancer awareness is so important and is something very close to my heart, particularly as a family member has recently been treated for this.
MASCED Accreditation
I work with skin on a daily basis, from medical tattooing to permanent eyebrows and everything in between. In particular, I see clients on a regular basis for skin rejuvenation facials. So I have the perfect opportunity to keep an eye on my clients skin!
I felt it was really important to be able to identify the early signs of skin cancer, so that clients can get anything unusual checked out as soon as possible. The earlier the detection, the better the longer term prognosis.
I am not a Medical Professional
It’s important to tell you that I am NOT a medical professional, so I won’t be diagnosing anything! I will however have a quiet chat with you if I notice any new moles, changes to existing moles or if I notice anything that looks a little unusual on your skin.
Please don’t panic if I do this! I will simply suggest that you pop along to your GP or a Dermatologist to get it looked at. It’s as simple as that.
If you want to know more about skin cancer awareness
If you’d like to know more then please have a chat with me when you’re next in clinic. I’ll happily share my knowledge with you about early detection of skin cancers, together with some really great tips for prevention.
Keep an eye out for my posts with more information and things to look out for, when keeping an eye on moles. I’ll be sharing the information I’ve learnt with a few posts. I don’t want to create one massive post with information overload!
I look forward to seeing you soon.