Female hair loss is something that still remains something of a taboo subject. Yet over 50% of women over the age of 50 experience hair loss of some description. Isn’t this amazing…..50%.
The reason I decided to train in scalp micropigmentation was to be able to offer treatments to women that are experiencing hair loss. I myself have thinning hair at the front, which I am very self conscious about (sadly I can’t treat myself!). I started to notice my hair thinning at around 40 and it’s getting progressively worse. My mother has it, so I know it’s hereditary and something that will progress over time.
As women, I think we are very clever at adjusting our hair styles so we can cover up the hair loss. Whilst this might be manageable on a day to day basis, it can be incredibly stressful if you want to go on holiday or out on a rainy/windy day. I have met many women that won’t swim on holiday, or go out in the rain/wind as they are worried that others will see their thinning hair.
As women, we lose our hair for many different reasons. From varying forms of alopecia to hormone changes and stress. Female hair loss patterns can take many different forms, but typically starts around the front and parting sections. Pregnancy related hair loss and chemotherapy are among the biggest reasons for thinning hair.
My lovely client in my post lost her hair during chemotherapy. Her hair grew back much thinner, with areas of very fine growth. This is something that she was really self conscious about. She absolutely loves wearing her hair up, but as you can see from the pictures, the hair along her hairline was what’s typically referred to as ‘baby hair’.
So 3 density treatments later – look at the difference! She’s now able to wear her hair up with confidence and I love seeing her beaming smile (usually a glorious red lipsticked smile!) whenever I see her.
Hopefully you can see why I love this treatment for female hair loss.